California: Budget Slashing Arnold “The Barbarian” Faces Lawsuit

3463731189_c958357dfe_oCalifornia signed into law the deepest budget cuts in the Golden State’s history on July 28. The impact will soon be felt by Californians as the harsh reality of the cuts sinks in.

Meanwhile Governor Schwarzenegger is facing a lawsuit from a California Senator. Senate President Darrell Steinberg is in the process of filing a lawsuit against the Governor, contending that Schwarzenegger violated his constitutional authority in making line item vetoes cuts to section of the approved budget bill.

Senator Darrell Steinberg said: “We elected a Governor, not an emperor. In making these line item vetoes the Governor forced punishing cuts on children, the disabled, abused women and patients. He could not win the cuts fairly at the bargaining table, and in doing so he overstepped his constitutional authority.”

Aaron McLear, Schwarzenegger’s spokesman said the Governor’s move is perfectly legal. McLear said: “The Governor’s constitutional authority to veto appropriations is unquestioned, and it will be upheld by the Court.”

However, a legislative council hired by California lawmakers says that Governor Schwarzenegger ‘s executive one-line item vetoes cuts are illegal.


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