COVID-19: Confirmed Wuhan Man-Made Coronavirus Chimera Enters Vaccine Design

In any scientific field, censorship sooner or later must yield to the truth, because without it there can be no scientific progress. As it happens, a June 2020 article that detailed the challenges to be met in designing an anti-COVID-19 vaccine also turned out to be a damning exposé of the SARS-CoV-2 virus as being a quite nasty laboratory-made chimera. The paper, by a group of established Norwegian and British scientists, represents the only credible treatment of the origins of SARS-CoV-2 in the published scientific literature. Another one was withdrawn.

The inserts are the same as those previously noted in the withdrawn paper. The new authors additionally point out that these inserts, plus point mutations throughout the SARS-CoV-2 spike, have systematically introduced positive clusters (+++) of charges on that protein’s surface. Consequently the spike protein attaches, not only to the ACE2 protein receptor on lung cells, but also to the negative (—-) charges that normally line the surfaces of mammalian cells, and at least two other proteins (CLEC4M and DC-SIGNR) on human cells. As a result, the virus can infect many more human cell types, and even brain cells. The introduction of the positive charges works like a zipper has been added to gather two pieces of material that were previously held together by one or two snap buttons. Thus, compared to the naturally occurring SARS-CoV, the man-made chimera SARS-CoV-2 is able to bind more tightly to human cells. The same information is quoted below in the authors’ own, more technical, words.

“Data shows the non-spike receptor binding domain dependent phagocytic general method of action to be specifically related to cumulative charge from inserted sections on the SARS-CoV-2 Spike… posed to form salt bridges with attachment receptors. This suggests that attachment to such previously reported membrane proteins has been enhanced directly due to basic and positive charged inserts in the Spike protein together with other basic and positive charged amino acid substitutions enabling formation of salt bridges with the receptor CLEC4M/DC-SIGNR or, indirectly, by the additional salt bridges formed between the positive charged amino acids and negative charged phospholipids on the cell membrane…..
“It is a matter of fact that there are unique inserts in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein when they are aligned with other SARS-CoV sequences….”
That is not all. To enter the right compartment in a cell in which to develop, the virus must repurpose the spike protein by cutting it at one specific place. In the case of SARS-CoV-2, the spike protein is modified so that it can be more easily recognized and cut by a human protein called furin. In other words, SARS-CoV-2 is additionally engineered to recruit the human host cell to assist it in a more efficient infection, from the start. Again, the authors’ own, more technical words follow.

“For SARS-CoV-2 the sequence (SPRRAR|S) is longer and more basic than the SARS-CoV (TVSLLR|S) and hence is more potent…. The mode of action of a furin-like cleavage site is, following endosomal encapsulation, to facilitate attachment and penetration of the inside wall of the endosome to release the uncoated virus into cytosol where it can start replication and release its full pathogenic potential.”
The authors of the new paper are developing a vaccine called Biovacc-19. They think this vaccine will work against COVID-19 because it uses the inserts to advantage. As a corollary to this, they predict that all the other vaccines that use the viral spike protein — whether RNA, DNA, or protein is injected — will fail because they take no note of the inserts. Their argument is as follows. When they move a window along short consecutive regions, or “epitopes,” of the viral spike protein, as our immune system might do to make antibodies, then they encounter a major problem. They find that more than 78 percent of the viral spike protein sequences are extremely similar to sequences in human proteins! Therefore antibodies against the spike protein would either not be made at all or would be made against self. In this scenario, a failure to produce antibodies against self would be a blessing. Subsequent to antibody production, the outcomes might be a debilitating to fatal illness on encountering the virus called antibody-dependent enhancement of disease, or the development of autoimmune disorders. The Biovacc-19 vaccine avoids these issues by immunizing only against the 22 percent of epitopes in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein that differ from human ones: i.e. those that span the introduced inserts and point mutations.

It has not escaped this writer’s notice that those who manufactured SARS-CoV-2 might have designed the inserts, not only to make the virus more dangerous, but also to provide themselves a means of protection against it, possibly using the vaccination approach proposed for Biovacc-19. The analyses in the June 2020 scientific paper are the results of a collaboration between researchers at the start-up company Immunor AS, in Oslo, and the Institute of Infection and Immunity, St George’s, University of London. Their conclusions, which are well beyond the realm of conspiracy theories, have caught the attention of intelligence agencies. In an uncharacteristic move for a secretive agency like MI6, its former Chief of Secret Intelligence Service, Sir Richard Dearlove, told The Telegraph, “I think this started as an accident. This raises the question of whether China will assume responsibility and whether China should pay compensation.”
There have been too many lies, too much censorship, too much fear, and far too many deaths. The Wuhan Institute of Virology and its Western partners must come clean and let the world investigate their chimera.

Sorensen B, Susrud A, Dalgleish AG (2020). Quarterly Review of Biophysics Discovery. DOI: 10.1017/qrd.2020.8.
Editor’s Note: Dr. Dady Chery is an Associate Professor of Biology, Co-Editor-In-Chief of News Junkie Post, and the author of We Have Dared to Be Free: Haiti’s Struggle Against Occupation. Photograph one by Miss Millions; photographs two and six by Espero; photograph three by Guglielmo D’Arezzo; photograph four by John Weiss; and photograph five by Dynamosquito.
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