A New Way Of Thinking
The discussion of strategy within the environmental movement, indeed the entire social justice movement, is fraught with challenges that may well be unique to our age.
Foreign Policy Is Not A Faith Based Program
Conservative Christian fundamentalists support the Israeli state because in their apocalyptic view. For instance, in 2003, George W., told French President Jacques Chirac of France, that he had to invade Iraq because of Biblical Prophecy. This religious philosophy has guided American foreign policy despite the Bible never being a legal document.
Five Things You May ‘Know’ About Marijuana That Aren’t True
As editor of a pot website, I live and breathe marijuana (see what I did there?) every day, and have a great chance to fully inform myself. But when speaking to members of the general public, I’m often struck (and stop that! It hurts) with the wide prevalence of beliefs about marijuana that have been scientifically disproven for years.
The Party Of No Morphs Into The Party Of “No Way Jose”

With the jobs bill that just passed the Senate, a small group of Republican Senators, led by Jeff Sessions of Alabama, tried to hold up matters by insisting that immigration provisions be added to the bill. Once again, the “Party of No” morphs into the “Party of No Way Jose” as the GOP trots out its all-purpose boogeyman: “illegals”
The Moral Fiber Of Conservative Posers
It’s getting very difficult for conservative posers to hide the monumental hole that their supply side shovels dug and the unbelievable ascent of our progressive climb out of their economic nosedive. This data set is the Mona Lisa of before and after graphs on the recovery effort.