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Has Occupy Forgotten Why?

Has Occupy Forgotten Why?

By Gilbert Mercier and Liam Fox Even though the revolution in Egypt is still at an uncertain, fluid stage, they’ve already made an irreversible geopolitical impact in the Middle-East, and beyond. If 9/11/2001 marked the start of a dark chapter in world history, 2/11/2011 may have been the beginning of a new era of positive […]


The Occupy Movement And Those That Would Love It To Death

The Occupy Movement And Those That Would Love It To Death

While the 99% have occupied Wall Street, Wall Street has occupied the Democratic Party. The Occupation movement is currently struggling with the same challenges of any grass-roots, populous movement. Well-meaning activists that have been pursuing these and associated goals (in the case of ‘Occupy’ this would be a myriad of labor, economic justice, and social […]


Has Ex Goldman Sachs Staff turned Democrat Campaigner Infiltrated Occupy?

Has Ex Goldman Sachs Staff turned Democrat Campaigner Infiltrated Occupy?

Through the revolving door from Goldman Sachs to the Democrat Party, an experienced campaigner has maneuvered themselves into a position of influence with the Occupation Movement in the nations capitol.  Connections with MoveOn.org, and Van Jones’ Rebuild the Dream, seem to be only the tip of the iceberg.  For a movement that considers itself not […]


Will Syria Be Libya All Over Again?

Will Syria Be Libya All Over Again?

January 26, 2012, will mark the one year anniversary of the first protest in Syria which led to the mass movement that erupted two months later, on March 15, and has drawn the attention of the world to the plight of the Syrian people, and the brutality of the Al-Assad regime.  According to the Syrian […]


GITMO: Obama’s Broken Promise Protested

GITMO: Obama’s Broken Promise Protested

On the tenth anniversary of the arrival of the first illegal detainees at Guantanamo Bay, hundreds of protesters tolerated DC’s winter rain to express their disappointment, and anger, at President Obama and the most despised and ineffective congress that Americans have ever had to tolerate. A ninety minute rally that educated the large crowd that […]
