The Occupy Movement: Crumbling Communes or Class Warfare?

“You’re a bunch of Pussies” the intoxicated passer by charged. “You can’t even run a fucking park. How do you expect to run a country let alone change the world? You come to this park and expect to be taken care of, how do you expect to topple the most powerful people and governments in […]
Occupation Nation: Ritual Arrests and Candle Light Vigils. What Next?
Feature Photo by Shasta McBride I learned of the occupation of Washington D.C. about six months ago through a video which featured Ted Rall; the syndicated columnist, political cartoonist, and author of The Anti-American Manifesto. I had read this book a few months earlier, immediately after publication, and, on the basis of what he had […]
WANTED: More Hypocritical Politicians
First, before the vocabulary Nazis skip to the comment section and start furiously hammering away on their keyboards, the title of this article misuses the word ‘hypocritical’ purposely. A hypocrite is someone who says one thing and does another, or professes beliefs and values that they don’t actually hold. Certainly something politicians do, though not […]