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Support Our Troops: Stop Climate Change!

Following up on Gilbert Mercier’s Obama’s Afghan Strategy For A War That Can’t Be Won I would like to offer two other perspectives on the Afghan War, the first much more microscopic, the second more macroscopic. To begin I would like to introduce you to the too little known Afghanada, “an award-winning Canadian radio drama […]


Sacred Rites Or Selfish Rights

The first is a failure of memory and imagination. We do not remember that up until very recently virtually all of humanity were locavores (and without particular hardship or ill effects). Because we cannot remember, we cannot imagine.


Climate Change: The Question Of Bread

I despair when I hear people talk about climate change in terms of failing ski resorts and longer growing seasons. The disconnect between the common perception of what climate change really is and what people think it means is truly terrifying. One of the unfortunate things about Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth” is it led to […]


If Not Me?: Candles In Babylon

Why do I pick on individuals and their actions instead of the corporations and government bodies? Surely it is the corporations etc who have the responsibility to correct the problems since I) the y caused them in the first place, and ii) they have all of the power relative to the trivial efforts of a […]


With Your Fierce Tears: Rage, Rage Against The Dying Of The Light

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rage at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
