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Is America Already Bankrupt?

Is America Already Bankrupt?

The United States national debt has passed $14 trillion. For each dollar spend by the federal government 40 cents is borrowed. So technically, the US is already bankrupt because it has a debt that is almost four times the size of its economy. Lawmakers in Congress are saying that their major priority is to tackle […]


Message From Corporate America: Work Longer, Harder, Faster

Americans have no guaranteed vacation time, average only 13 days offered per year, and often do not even take these. This is emblematic of a much larger problem where employees are demanded to give up overtime pay, work more hours per year, and make greater sacrifices to increase productivity to create wealth that will likely never make it into their pockets.


America: No Vacation Time For You

In the richest country in the world, there is no right to any vacation time. Paid annual leave and paid holidays are optional for any employer. In most other wealthy nations, there are between 20-35 vacation days per year (4-7 weeks). To make matters worse, Americans are increasingly less likely to actually use their vacation days.


The Austerity Scam: Next Target, the U.S.A.

Austerity is what our politicians should be demanding from the banks and the corporations, not us. The right to exist is what we should be granting corporations and financial institutions, not the other way around. The constituents should be the most powerful lobbyists in any capital, not the corporations and banks. We’ve allowed our world to be turned upside down.


The Slavery Of Debt: Leave Home Without Your Amex, Visa And MasterCard

Predatory global capitalism is still running amok on the global economy. Several countries in the European Union are on the verge of complete insolvency. Ireland had to be bailed out by other richer EU members and was strong armed into accepting a budget austerity  plan from the IMF. A few months ago, it was Greece. […]
