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Farmers And Environmentalists Fighting Off Toxic Pesticide From California Fields

Environmentalists and labor groups have joined forces to stop a new cancer-causing pesticide from being used in crops across California. The pesticide, commonly known as “MIDAS,” uses methyl iodide as its key ingredient. Methyl iodide is extremely great at killing bugs, but also at killing animals and humans — causing cancer and harm to the nervous system to those exposed to it for long periods of time: migrant farm workers and their families.


Neo-Nazi’s Remorse: “A Life Based On Hate Is No Life At All”

Neo-Nazi’s Remorse: “A Life Based On Hate Is No Life At All”

White supremacist, Buford Furrow, killed a Filipino postal worker and wounded five people in 1999 during a shooting rampage at a Jewish community center near Los Angeles. Kevin Modesti, a reporter with the Los Angeles Daily News, received a letter from Buford Furrow after the reporter’s request for an interview was denied by prison officials. […]


Smoke From Los Angeles Fires Reaching Las Vegas

The thick smoke from the wild fires in Los Angeles and from the other fires across California is now reaching as far as Las Vegas, Nevada and even Denver, Colorado — that’s a distance of over 1,000 miles. NASA has also sent in photos of the smoke, which is quite visible from space.


California: Budget Slashing Arnold “The Barbarian” Faces Lawsuit

California signed into law the deepest budget cuts in the Golden State’s history on July 28. The impact will soon be felt by Californians as the harsh reality of the cuts sinks in.


California Closes Its $26 Billion Budget Gap

California Closes Its $26 Billion Budget Gap

The deal was reached late last night in Sacramento between Governor Schwarzenegger and four  key members of California’s legislative body. California has been in a budget deadlock since February following an impasse between the Democrats, the Republicans and the Governor. The Golden State was forced to issue IOUs to creditors two weeks ago. The deal […]
