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A New Way Of Thinking

The discussion of strategy within the environmental movement, indeed the entire social justice movement, is fraught with challenges that may well be unique to our age.


97 Percent Of Scientists Believe In Man-Made Climate Change

An overwhelming number of scientists in countries around the planet believe the science behind anthropogenic climate change. Although this is not reflected in the attitudes of many in the non-scientific general public, there is consensus among the experts who study the Earths climate.


Climate Change: Not A Matter Of Faith

The popular wisdom currently is that “Al Gore’s climate change theory” is in big trouble due to scandals, bad science, tampered data, the coldest winter ever, and so on. Not a word of it is true of course. It’s just more of the standard climate change Denier misrepresentation and outright lies. However, it does underscore three critical challenges in the politics of climate change.


Weird Science: The Bootstrap Hypothesis

There are many topics in Astronomy that are fascinating, but one of the most intriguing is the Bootstrap Hypothesis. This cosmological idea contends that as we examine the larger and larger things in the universe, they are ultimately microscopic parts of a far larger universe, one that merges with the very small. In essence, it contends that we are all living in a universe inside ourselves.


Preaching to the Choir

Progressives are not dealing with many issues, but rather one single issue that manifests itself in multiple ways. With this in mind, it is important to reaffirm our messages to each other to keep everyone motivated and on the same page in our push for real change and reform and fully understand how the issues are linked and how we can support each other. The agenda should be to create a mutually supportive, unified political movement.
