US Drone Strikes And Bin Laden’s Killing: Turning Pakistan Into A Time-bomb

Today, more than 150 Pakistani Taliban attacked a military check point in North-Western Pakistan killing at least ten Pakistani soldiers. The bold attack occurred near the town of Makeen in South Waziristan, near the Afghan border. Lately, South Waziristan has seen a surge in strikes by US drones in the aftermath of the assassination of […]
Bush Tax Cuts: “Celebrating” Ten Years Of Fiscal Insanity

Ten years ago today, George W. Bush announced his tax cuts. When Bush was elected in 2000, he inherited a budget surplus, but it took only a year for the federal government to have a budget deficit and have to borrow money to finance its debt. Former president Bush described the tax cuts as a […]
Does Our Hyper-Connected World Make People Socially Inept?

If someone would have given me an accurate description of today’s communication and information world back in, let us say, 1971, I would have told them that they should stop believing in science fiction novels. Back then there were no cell phones or the internet, although both communication technologies were in the pipeline in various […]