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The first decade of the new millennium was marked by wars, conflicts and horrendous violence or crimes committed in the name of God. During Christmas celebrations, churches were attacked in Nigeria. In Iraq, the few Christians left are facing persecution for their faith, and are fleeing the country in large number. In the last 10 […]
January 1, 2011Read More

The 2010 holiday season was good for retailers in the United States as Americans are back on a shopping spree, often buying what they don’t really need, and foremost what they can’t afford unless they put themselves further in debt. Despite the recession, consumerism is still America’s favorite addiction. But strangely enough, while consumer spending […]
December 30, 2010Read More
Following up on Gilbert Mercier’s Obama’s Afghan Strategy For A War That Can’t Be Won I would like to offer two other perspectives on the Afghan War, the first much more microscopic, the second more macroscopic. To begin I would like to introduce you to the too little known Afghanada, “an award-winning Canadian radio drama […]
December 29, 2010Read More
Predatory global capitalism is still running amok on the global economy. Several countries in the European Union are on the verge of complete insolvency. Ireland had to be bailed out by other richer EU members and was strong armed into accepting a budget austerity plan from the IMF. A few months ago, it was Greece. […]
December 23, 2010Read More
Once upon a time in America, the top tax rates were very high and the gulf between the rich and poor shrank. Fiscal conservative policy that has dominated since Reagan has reversed this trend, and American society is increasingly polarized between the haves and have nots. Despite the capitulation by Obama in extending tax cuts for the rich, it is time to revisit the notion of a truly progressive income tax to usher in The Great Recovery.
December 20, 2010Read More