Did 9/11/2001 Mark the Beginning of the End of the Empire?

In a strange coincidence of calendar, today is the end of the holy month of Ramadan. It is a time for Muslims to celebrate after a month of fast. For Americans, tomorrow will be a time a grief and remembrance about a turning point in our global history that is still an open wound in […]
Global Trend: Freedom of the Press and Journalists Are Under Attack

Anyone trying to understand the current health of the global press can see some disturbing trends at play. The first one is insidious and has been unfolding in the United States and Europe for the past two decades. It consists of the purchase of major news organizations by large corporations who have more concerns about […]
Burning Qur’ans: Don’t Hate, Celebrate!
I’m going to do something I do on many Saturday evenings. I’m going to party with people whom I don’t share a belief system with. I’m going to spit in the eye of hatred and spend some time with people that are willing to spend some time with me. I may not like religion, but I love people, and I love a good party. Screw the book burners and protesters, Liam’s going to Eid ul-Fitr.
Is Poverty The Future Of America’s Middle Class?

America’s middle class has been under attack for about 30 years. One of the main goal of Reagan, the Republicans and the pro-corporate Democrats was to dismantle the few critical social programs and safety nets put together by FDR and later Lyndon Johnson. Bush Sr. kept pushing for the same social Darwinist policies of deconstruction […]
France: Thousands Demonstrate Against Roma Expulsions

Today, more than 140 demonstrations took place in France to protest the government’s crackdown on immigrants and the recent expulsions, conducted by the Sarkozy administration, of hundreds of Roma. Demonstrators held banners, waved French flags and chanted slogans denouncing Sarkozy’s repressive “security” policies. The slogans included “Let’s stop the repression”, “No to Sarkozy inhumane policies” […]