Middle-East Quartet Wants Israel To Freeze Settlements

The Middle-East Quartet, which is composed of the United States, the European Union, Russia and the United Nations, was meeting in Moscow on Friday. The Quartet is urging Palestinians and Israelis to resume peace negotiations and come with a “settlement within 24 months”. However, will the US put some real pressure on the Netanyahu administration […]
Afghanistan: Understanding The Taliban From The Inside

The Taliban movement was started by former Mujaheddin in the aftermath of the victory against the Soviets in 1989. Contrary to the assumptions made by the US media, the Taliban still enjoy a wide support within Afghanistan, especially in the Pashtun area of the country. Expecting to win militarily against the Taliban is unrealistic, and […]
12 Key Policy Decisions That Led To The Financial Cataclysm
These are only a few examples from a fiscal ruble pile that privatization has made of America. There are thousands and thousands more. This is our productivity being used to undermine or stability and security.
Let’s Teach WalMart A Lesson About Medical Marijuana
How do you teach a big, dumb corporate beast? You hurt it in the only way it understands. It’s time to teach WalMart that mistreating medical marijuana patients is very, very bad for business.