New Era of Global Collective Psychosis

Anybody who has been unfortunate to be in a car or plane crash, but lucky enough to survive it and tell the story afterwards knows the inherent paradox: the event occurred in the blink of an eye, but seemed, in retrospect, to have unfolded in a dreadful slow-motion sequence. What can be called the crash […]
Whose War Are We Fighting in Kashmir?

The veteran war correspondent and novelist Humra Quraishi, in her Kashmir: The Untold Story (2004), writes about a heart-breaking incident that seems to be handpicked from a Kim Ki Duk thriller. The story goes on like this. Sometime in March 2003, a 22-year old Japanese ophthalmology student named Koichiro Takata arrived in Srinagar. The young […]
Brexit, Texit, Bennifer, and the Referendum Apocalypse

By Vicki S. Nikolaidis How could we not know the United Kingdom would eventually leave the European Union! Brexit was foretold in Bible Prophecy when Daniel explained for God that Europe would never stay united, it is simply not in the cards.[1] All five chapters of the Book of Daniel were written 1476 years ago, […]
Democracy Is Dead

From the west to the east, and the south to the north of our global horizon, it is the same tableau: the horrendous killing fields of disaster capitalism where its cohorts of 18-wheelers, heavy road machinery and police patrol cars roam the landscape continuously and are turning us and the better principles of our humanity […]
Clinton and Associates’ Education Ponzi Scheme

“Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me.” F. Scott Fitzgerald Education is the latest public commons that is being turned into a commodity by a group of the world’s arrivistes, including Douglas Becker, Donald Trump, and Bill and Hillary Clinton. Money brings, in those who obsessively accumulate […]