Did the Clinton Foundation Steal from the Poor?

Exclusive News Junkie Post and Haiti Chery Interview With Charles Ortel Introduction The Clintons have many problems these days, but the worst of them is probably the information that Charles Ortel started to release from his website and Twitter account (@charlesortel) in early May 2016. Ortel is the financial analyst who exposed General Electric’s stock as being overvalued before […]
Donald Trump: Caligula of the Lowest Common Denominator Empire?

In appearance the US election campaign extravaganza is heating up. Latinos in New Mexico recently protested violently against a Trump rally, at times some, including the networks, implied that the United States could descend into a modern day civil war opposing pretty much the old south and its racist Confederate ideology to the rest of […]
Clinton Disaster Fundraising: Predatory Humanitarianism?

Exclusive News Junkie Post and Haiti Chery Interview With Charles Ortel Introduction It is Haiti’s good luck and surely the Clintons’ misfortune, that Charles Ortel, one of the world’s finest financial analysts, has got the Clinton Foundation in his sights. Mr. Ortel is a graduate of the Harvard Business School with decades of Wall Street […]
Golan Heights and the Greater Israel Project

After the first ever cabinet meeting in the Golan Heights, Israeli Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a speech on April 17, 2016 that the territory “will remain under Israel’s sovereignty permanently.” This elicited admonitions from some of Israel’s greatest allies, the United States and Germany, and renewed attention on the issue. The Golan Heights […]