Ukraine’s Crisis: Economic Sanctions Could Trigger a Global Depression

The referendum in Crimea on March 16, 2014 will probably attach the peninsula to the Russian federation. While it is unlikely that NATO will intervene and seek a direct military confrontation with Russia, the United States and the European Union are already cooking some broad and unwise economic sanctions with which to punish Russia. Russia, […]
Sins of Omission: What the Mainstream Media Withholds About Ukraine

A European Union that includes Ukraine would ultimately be a favorable state of affairs, and few would contest this. A European Union that includes Russia would be even more advantageous as a check against United States imperialism. Unfortunately, and due to western actions, particularly those of the US, which ought to have no say whatsoever […]
African Refugees Not Welcome: Xenophobia and Intolerance as Policy

For decades now, the tiny island of Lampedusa, Italy, a little over 100 kilometers from Tunisia and nearly twice that distance from the Italian coast, has been a primary destination for mostly African migrants attempting to reach Europe. With little baggage other than their hopes, these migrants usually brave strong winds, dangerous currents, and hazardous […]
Ukraine: The New Cold War Heats Up

Some Western Europeans say, jokingly, that at least winter is almost over, and if “Putin shuts off the gas,” they will not have to be cold for long. But as the Ukrainian crisis amplifies, European laughter will be short lived. If the European Union had not been a doormat for Washington’s neocons to wipe their […]
Ukraine’s Games of Sovereignty: Russia vs US Exceptionalism

Sovereignty is defined by the power to dictate exceptions, or as the German jurist Carl Schmitt suggested, the power of the exception. Without this, one could never be an overlord of oneself, in a political or any other meaningful way. What is unfolding in Ukraine at this writing is a battle of sovereign will. Most […]