India’s Shameful Class Divide

“If there is no water in the dam…. Should we urinate into it?” – Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister, Ajit Pawar. In the last few years, India has attracted considerable attention from the world for its “growth story.” India is being celebrated by every single cheerleader of neo-imperialist policy whose sole motive is: profit. Despite this […]
Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Israel and the West’s Unholy Alliance to Wreck and Exploit

Syria: Fog of proxy war and conflicting agendas As furious fighting rages in Syria for control of Qusair, a border town of critical strategic importance, the dense and toxic fog of that country’s proxy war is spreading to Lebanon and Iraq. With Hezbollah becoming directly involved in the conflict to back Assad, the patchwork coalition […]
Memorial Day Patriotism: Cannon Fodder for the Merchants of Death
“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” – Albert Einstein The invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan by the United States cannot be considered to spread freedom and […]
Drones: The Global Empire’s Current Weapon of Choice

In Lichfield, England, in the 18th century, Mr. Richard Greene ran a museum that was quite revealing about colonial power. As a visitor entered one room of this museum, in one cabinet on the right there was an array of high velocity-weapons from a former day that showed the historical development of muskets and pistols […]
Haiti: Could Charlemagne Peralte’s Example Inspire a New Revolution? Part II

Had the United States Marines not invaded Haiti, Charlemagne Peralte might have become a politician instead of a revolutionary. His father, General Remi Massena Peralte, was a big landowner in Hinche who had served as a Member of Parliament during the Hypollite administration, known for public works like the Marché Hypollite (Marché-en-Fer, or Iron Market). […]