Haiti: Deadly Clashes Erupt As UN Forces Are Blamed For Cholera

The clashes between Haitian protesters and UN peacekeepers erupted in Cap-Haitien, the country’s second largest city after its capital Port-au-Prince, and in the central town of Hinche.
A Kinder, Gentler Form of Ethnic Cleansing
100,000 Latinos have fled Arizona in the 3 months since the passage of SB1070. This represents a huge demographic shift in the state, and the reasons behind it could be explained as a kinder, gentler form of ethnic cleansing.
Energy: With “Peak-Oil” Passed, It Is Time for a Post-Carbon Age

The World Energy Outlook report 2010 was released by the International Energy Agency (IEA) on November 9th. The implications for the future of our planet are grim and stark unless some urgent and concerted actions are taken. The IEA projects, for its 25-year energy policies scenario, that conventional crude oil production will never regain its […]
Haiti: Cholera Has Reached Port-au-Prince, Thousands Could Die

Between the devastating January earthquake, Hurricane Thomas, the cholera epidemic spreading quickly, and the very slow coming international help, Haitians are not getting any kind of break. Even if Hurricane Thomas wasn’t strong enough to wreck the island, heavy rains and floods brought by the storm, a week ago, are now spreading the cholera epidemic […]