United States: From Democracy To Oligarchy And Plutocracy
Election 2010: The Best Congress Money Can Buy According to opensecrets.org, there are 130 foreign companies that sponsor PACs ( Political Action Committees) using their US-based subsidiaries to finance countless campaigns in the 2010 election cycle. Together, they have donated more than $12.6 million (and still counting) to political campaigns through various PACs. The electoral […]
Shock Capitalism: The Swindlers Of 2008 Are Now Betting On World Hunger

In his new book, “The Great American Stick Up”, journalist Robert Scheer makes one of the most lucid and accurate analysis of the 2008 global financial meltdown or what we call here the strategy of shock capitalism. Scheer connects the dots and exposes “How Reagan Republicans and Clinton Democrats enriched Wall Street while mugging Main […]
Death Penalty: The Ultimate Denial of Human Rights

Today is the world day against the death penalty, and Amnesty International is focusing its attention on the United States in the human rights organization’s global push to end capital punishment. The United States is the only country in the Americas that carried out executions in 2009. The paragraph below, from Amnesty International, best sums […]