Is Europe’s Model Better Than America’s Shock Capitalism?

The global financial and economic meltdown of 2008, which originated in the United States, was a perfect opportunity for Americans to seriously reconsider their conception of “free market”, and put into question America’s own brand of “wild” capitalism, where the cycles of economic boom and bust always end up making the wealthy-few richer, and the […]
Pakistan: The Taliban Strike Back

Today, a series of deadly blasts rocked Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province (NWFP). The explosions killed at least 52 people and wounded more than 100 others according to Pakistani authorities. In the first attack, a suicide bomber killed 46 people at a celebration organized by the leading secular party in North West Pakistan. The second […]
South Africa: Will Killing of White Supremacist Trigger Racial Violence?

As South Africa gets ready to host the World Cup, the killing of far-right white supremacist leader, Eugene Terreblanche, could not come at a worse time. Today, President Zuma called for calm after Terreblanche was found hacked to death by machete on his farm in the country’s Northwest. The 69-year-old leader of the white supremacist […]
The End of Days? So Many Antichrists, So Little Time

The veracity of end times prophecy has been claimed, asserted, challenged and disproved repeatedly, yet we still choose to wallow in those very same stone-age superstitions of beasts and demons when shocked by the harsh realities of what we, as humans, perpetrate. The Antichrist is nothing more than a bogeyman for grown-ups. He’s the monster under the bed and the villain in the closet. He is the Kaiser Soze of the irrational and the biggest and scariest of the imaginary things that go bump in the night.