US Launches Massive Attack On Taliban Despite Olympic Truce

In ancient Greece, the Olympics festival were a sacred time of truce. For the duration of the games, the conflicts between cities such as Sparta and Athens were resolved within the Stadiums, not on the battlefields. When the founder of the modern Olympics, Pierre De Coubertin, organized the 1896 Olympics in Athens he had the […]
Four Things Not To Say To A Medical Marijuana Patient
If you happen to be a medical marijuana patient like me, you’re well aware that there are lots of folks who still harbor some enormous moral judgments about cannabis and those who use it medically — even in the states where it is legal. In the interest of furthering potiquette and harmonious interaction, here are four things that you might not want to say to medical marijuana patients.
Haiti: A Day Of Mourning, A Month After The Tragedy

Today, Haitians paid tribute to the victims of the unspeakable tragedy which ran amok on the Island exactly a month ago. The death toll defies imagination. It is currently estimated that 230,000 Haitians were killed by the deadly earthquake. Most were buried in mass graves, anonymous yet united in their gruesome death. Haitians paid respect […]
SETI Opens All Data and Coding to the Public
he Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) just announced that it is releasing all information to the public. was launched on Wednesday to facilitate the release and help coordinate an ‘army of citizen scientists’ to help search for anomalies in interstellar microwave patterns.
Iran: Reformists Attacked During Revolution Anniversary Rallies

Today, tens of thousands of Iranians from opposing camps gathered for the 31 ST anniversary of the Islamic Revolution. According to the opposition web site Rahesabz, and other independent sources in Tehran key Iranian opposition leaders Khatami & Karroubi were attacked in their cars by members of the Basij militia. Karroubi’s car windows were smashed. […]