Behind Palin: Fox News & Bush’s “Brains” Are Hiding In Plain Sight

Note: On the second photograph you can see Sarah Palin’s “key talking points” written on her left hand. Energy, Tax Cuts & Lift America Spirit. This week-end, Sarah Palin was crowned queen of the so called “Tea Party Movement”. It seemed so real that the respectable BBC reported on it tonight. From a US perspective, […]
Super Bowl, American Idols & BigMac: “Panen Et Circenses” Of Today

In the days of the Roman Empire, “Panen Et Circenses” (literally ” bread & circuses”) was the formula for the “well being” of the population or more exactly a political strategy implemented by Rome’s rulers to keep the populace quiet if not fully satisfied. The “Panen Et Circenses” formula offered a variety of pleasures and […]
When 70 Percent Support Marijuana Legalization, Starbucks Gets The Message
A pro-cannabis group based in Colorado called for a nationwide boycott of coffee giant Starbucks after activists spotted a Starbucks logo on the website of a virulently extremist anti-drug organization. After intense negative publicity ensued, Starbucks actually felt moved to issue a denial.
Shia Muslims & Sunni Muslims: The War Within Islam

Today several bombing attacks occurred in Iraq and Pakistan. Also, the attacks were unlikely coordinated the events of today are closely related in expressing the deep conflict between the two main branches of Islam: The Shias and the Sunnis. The bombings are the expression of a 1,320 years old conflict fought between Shia Muslims and […]
Only Two Percent of Scientists Are Conservative
A Pew Poll conducted not long ago demonstrates that a mere two percent of all scientists are conservative. Although apolitical by nature, the very scientific process has come under attack by anti-intellectual forces in America, leading a consensus of scientists to reject the main party of conservatism: the Republican Party.