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Union participation has declined steadily since the 1960’s thanks to the recent prevailing small-government, big-business deregulation, hands off approach to free-market economics. And as it turns out, when they said smaller government, what the GOP really meant was, personal government, they wanted you and I to play no part at all in deciding how they redistributed our tax dollars to the top of the income pyramid.
February 2, 2010Read More

Today, the Pentagon announced its projected budget for 2011. The Defense Department will request from Congress $708 billion in their 2011 budget. Judging from previous years, it is likely that this astronomical amount will be easily approve by the US Congress. President Obama indicated very clearly in his State of the Union address that he […]
February 1, 2010Read More
It is not that we should support one another’s progressive issues, but rather that there is only one issue with many facets and aspects. We are the proverbial seven blind men and it the elephant that we imagine to exist as separate entities.
February 1, 2010Read More
Starting on Monday, February 1st, NewsJunkiePost will be launching a new program called the Progressive Unity Project. 7 new writers will be coming onboard as weekly contributors, each one devoted to writing from the perspective of the environment, labor, LGBT, immigration, science, the drug war, and secularity.
January 31, 2010Read More

China vehemently protested early Saturday morning against a US decision to sell $6.4 billion worth of weapons to Taiwan. Chinese representatives said it would cause “serious damage to relations and cooperation between the two countries”. The Chinese embassy in Washington sent an urgent petition to the State Department. “The sale constitute a gross intervention into […]
January 30, 2010Read More