Gitmo: Symbol Of US Lawlessness And Human Rights Violations
Despite President Obama’s executive order, signed on January 22 ND 2009, the Guantanamo facility, which has been a thorn in America’s record on human rights, will be open for ” business” after the one year deadline. Yet, 9 months ago, the closing of the shameful facility was clearly on the top of the new administration’s […]
The Global Economic Recovery Is Threatened By Corruption
Yesterday, the global coalition and watchdog against corruption, Transparency International, published their 2009 corruption index. As the world economy begins to recover from last year’s melt down, and some nations continue to deal with conflicts and insecurity, it is clear that no countries are immune from corruption. The Transparency International’s 2009 Corruption Perception Index(CPI) is […]
World Hunger: No Food Security Possible Without Climate Security

The 3 days world summit on food security started yesterday in Rome. World leaders gathered at the Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) headquarters. A declaration was adopted unanimously pledging to renew international commitment to “eradicate hunger from the face of the earth sustainably and at the earliest date.” Countries also agreed to work to reverse […]
Climate Change: No Binding Deal On CO2 Emissions In Copenhagen

As we get closer to the critical UN-sponsored climate change conference, to be held in Copenhagen in December, world leaders are working hard on lowering expectations as opposed to forcefully work together on lowering CO2 emissions. To avoid a complete fiasco and salvage what he can, Danish Prime Minister Lars Rasmussen, who is leading the […]