Are We Running Out Of Oil?

According to a whistle-blower, which is a senior official at the International Energy Agency, the global oil reserves are overestimated. The International Energy Agency (IEA) is based in Paris, and is supposed to be an independent energy watchdog. According to the IEA’s whistle-blower, the world is much closer to running out of oil than official […]
Japanese Want The US Military Out Of Japan
Sixty four years after the end of World War II, 47,000 US troops are still stationed in Japan. Today, an estimated 21,000 Japanese rallied in Okinawa in protest of the US military base on the island. The rally is putting pressure on the new center-left government just days before the visit of President Obama. The […]
A Perspective on Unemployment
Yesterday brought some sobering news that the Great Recession is still far from over. Unemployment crawled past the 10% barrier for the first time since 1983, hitting a rate of 10.2%. Despite this, there are some reasons for optimism in the historical context, and signs that things will soon turn around.