Courage Is Mastery of Fear, Not Its Absence

Our experience of the world is the most basic stuff of life. In other words, the most basic human reality is to live our lives in this world of experiences. Unlike the Earth, the world that we inter-subjectively share has been conceived, shaped and signified by our very own humanity. We are the creators of […]
Homelessness Can Happen to Any of Us: An Interview With Omer Gaudet

We recently learned that Omer Gaudet, a very well known social-media activist who was, among other things, involved with the Occupy movement, had been homeless for a while. Contrary to the idea that homelessness only affects mentally ill people or people with drug addictions, it is a predicament that can affect all of us, including […]
Gangster Capitalism: Hillary Clinton’s Push to Globalize Surveillance and Data Mining

When a Clinton speaks, be it aspiring presidential candidate wife or former president husband, we know we are in for a bag packed with tricks. These serve to remind us that the unscrupulous “we the President” team are still a political force waiting to snatch power with insatiable lust. Dismiss and forget them at your […]
Magical Thinking and the Myth of Providential Men

Despite humanity’s considerable leaps in scientific and technological progress in the past 200 years, the collective consciousness of humankind appears to have stood still or even, in many instances, to have regressed to a stage of brutality and lack of rational thinking. This regression of the collective psyche has expressed itself by a revival of […]
Ebola: Zombie Apocalypse, Biological Warfare or Marketing Hype?

Ask anyone what is Ebola, and the only reasonable answer you might get to this question is that it is a virus. The rest is fantasy, and these flights of fancy are not limited to the general public. At least one scientific editor has described the disease caused by the viral infection as a “Zombie […]