Turkey’s Unrest: A Fight for Secularism

By Rick Staggenborg It is often agonizing for Americans who recognize their government as being the greatest threat to peace and freedom in world history to see how ignorant most of their fellow citizens are to what is obvious to the rest of the world; however, recent events are opening the eyes of citizens in […]
La Navase: Conservation of Biodiversity by Haiti’s Sustainable Practices

An unspoiled Haitian island, called La Navase, has been claimed by the United States and renamed “Navassa Island,” although it lies a mere 25 miles southwest of the city of Jeremie and 37 miles from Haiti’s western-most peninsula. La Navase is uninhabited by humans, but Haitians have fished its coasts for more than two centuries, […]
The United States of Extra-Judicial Murder and Imprisonment

Not since Nazi Germany marched its jackboots into the Sudetanland has there been such an abject disregard for the rule of international and national law. The Nazi’s advance resulted in the illegal imprisonment and mass murder of, firstly, many political dissidents, the mentally ill, homosexuals, and later and on a much larger scale, Jews and […]
US Hegemonic Empire and Culture of Death: State Terrorism on a Global Scale

The grand design of the United States global hegemonic empire is founded on an ideological platform of white supremacist domination. “Hegemony,” both in our common understanding and in its specialized Gramscian utilization, is semantically as broad and all-encompassing as “globality,” and therefore “hegemony” is appropriated and assigned the same limitations and specificity. United States global […]
India’s Shameful Class Divide

“If there is no water in the dam…. Should we urinate into it?” – Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister, Ajit Pawar. In the last few years, India has attracted considerable attention from the world for its “growth story.” India is being celebrated by every single cheerleader of neo-imperialist policy whose sole motive is: profit. Despite this […]