Halloween: Paganism Celebrates The Forgotten Divine Feminine

By Kit Kimberly As Halloween approaches, images of kids in costume, of Linus waiting for his Great Pumpkin, of ghosts and ghouls, the street decorations and signs of autumn fill the pop culture consciousness — at least in the USA and some other Euro-based cultures. In the US this year, All Hallows also falls on […]
The Pulse of Climate Change

The first thing Haitian children learn about the geography of their country is that it is at “the center of the greater Antilles, with Cuba to the west, Jamaica to the southwest, and Puerto Rico to the east.” Would one expect less of a people who had the temerity to fight the only successful slave […]
Frankenstorm: Wake up Call on Governments’ Criminal Inaction on Climate Change

A giant storm is announced to make its landing on the East Coast of the United States on Sunday October 28. Two days ago, hurricane Sandy was hammering Cuba and Haiti in the Caribbean. On Friday, NASA called hurricane Sandy “the bride of Frankenstorm”. The extreme weather system is coming as an uninvited guests and […]