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Saudi Arabia and Qatar: Kingdoms of Slave Labor, Human Rights Abuses

Saudi Arabia and Qatar: Kingdoms of Slave Labor, Human Rights Abuses

In the past few decades, Qatar and Saudi Arabia have seen their influence, both regional and global, grow rapidly. The extraordinary wealth of both oil-rich nations give them a lot of say and sway far beyond the Gulf area. Both Kingdoms have used their tremendous power of the purse, given by oil revenues, to gain […]


A Tale of Two Concentration Camps: Guantanamo and Ruhleben

A Tale of Two Concentration Camps: Guantanamo and Ruhleben

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness… it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair…” With such oxymoronic sentiment begins one of Charles Dickens’ great classics from which the title of this article is […]


EGF: Europe’s Multinational Militarized Police

EGF: Europe’s Multinational Militarized Police

Far from the prying eyes of the European public, in the small town of Velsen in the Netherlands, in October 2007, the ministers of Foreign Affairs and of the Interiors of five EU nations signed the first treaty to establish a supranational and multinational military body of the European Union: the European Gendarmerie Force (EUROGENDFOR […]


Iraq War Lies and Dr David Kelly’s Mysterious Death

Iraq War Lies and Dr David Kelly’s Mysterious Death

When a corpse is found, and the death appears to be from unnatural causes, it is common practice, and ought to be common practice, that a coroner’s inquest is held into the cause of death. To my knowledge, the only case where this has not occurred in England was in the death of Dr David […]


The United States of Extra-Judicial Murder and Imprisonment

The United States of Extra-Judicial Murder and Imprisonment

Not since Nazi Germany marched its jackboots into the Sudetanland has there been such an abject disregard for the rule of international and national law. The Nazi’s advance resulted in the illegal imprisonment and mass murder of, firstly, many political dissidents, the mentally ill, homosexuals, and later and on a much larger scale, Jews and […]
