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Black Friday: An Orgy of Trinkets and Baubles

Black Friday: An Orgy of Trinkets and Baubles

So, as you get home and fire up your new toy, and stuff the completely unnecessary amount of packaging into your garbage pail, remember that what you count as savings is yours alone. The cost to the environment, the peoples exploited in it’s production, and the world that we all share, is much more that the 50-70% you saved off the ridiculously inflated every-day price.


Veterans Day: Denounce the World Order of Permanent War

Veterans Day: Denounce the World Order of Permanent War

On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, World War I officially ended. That day marked the end of a four-year massive slaughter that killed more than seven million French, German, British, Russian and Austro-Hungarian soldiers, and killed or wounded millions more civilians. The United States stayed on the […]


Open Letter to Neoliberal Lord Meghnad Desai Against Fascism in India

Open Letter to Neoliberal Lord Meghnad Desai Against Fascism in India

Dear Mr. Desai, I write to you as a concerned fellow citizen of a republic that reeks like a nauseating carcass. That the Indian economy is in sad shape is evident daily to anyone who buys the most trivial things. I agree with you on this. It is sadder still to see able, privileged sons […]


Should Prostitution Be Legal?

Should Prostitution Be Legal?

While modern media exploit the human body to sell ideas, products, femininity and masculinity on television, in movies, magazines, and much else, they cast shadows on the sale of sex itself, although this involves the same capitalistic notions that are tirelessly promoted. The bottom line is: sex sells, but one cannot buy sex without paying […]


A Tale of Two Concentration Camps: Guantanamo and Ruhleben

A Tale of Two Concentration Camps: Guantanamo and Ruhleben

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness… it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair…” With such oxymoronic sentiment begins one of Charles Dickens’ great classics from which the title of this article is […]
