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India’s Shameful Class Divide

India’s Shameful Class Divide

“If there is no water in the dam…. Should we urinate into it?” – Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister, Ajit Pawar. In the last few years, India has attracted considerable attention from the world for its “growth story.” India is being celebrated by every single cheerleader of neo-imperialist policy whose sole motive is: profit. Despite this […]


Memorial Day Patriotism: Cannon Fodder for the Merchants of Death

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” – Albert Einstein The invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan by the United States cannot be considered to spread freedom and […]


Is Hatred of Islam the UK Home Secretary’s Religion?

Is Hatred of Islam the UK Home Secretary’s Religion?

Islamophobia appears to have become the religion of British Home Secretary Theresa May, who follows the US’ racist lead in its war on Islam, referred to in the invented vernacular as the “war on terror.” Mrs. May is obsessed with Mr. Abu Qatada principally because he worships at a mosque instead of an Anglican Church, […]


Time Is Not Money, and Cash Doesn’t Talk

Time Is Not Money, and Cash Doesn’t Talk

By Dady Chery and Gilbert Mercier The expression “Time is money” was coined by Benjamin Franklin. It is a relatively new saying, among countless others, that represents the rot that started to eat at the core of our global social edifice during the industrial revolution. With the exchange of clock hours for money began the […]


Overcoming the Global Order of Oppression, Fear and Paranoia

Overcoming the Global Order of Oppression, Fear and Paranoia

In 1946, George Orwell officially started on the journey to create his masterpiece: Nineteen Eighty Four. As tuberculosis made Orwell’s life a living hell, it was a desperate race against time to write what Orwell called “a utopia in the form of a novel.” Nineteen Eighty Four was published in June 1949, and Orwell died […]
