“Blood Libel”: Is Sarah Palin An Anti-Semite?
While it is difficult to ascertain precisely what Palin’s intentions were in carefully choosing these words for her script, it can be certain that the meaning must have import to her. As a self described fundamentalist Christian, her beliefs regarding the imminent return of Jesus, and killing of all non-repentant Jews upon his return, is well known. However, what is much less clear is whether or not she is trying to make a statement about supposed Jewish run media, or supposed left-wing/ Jewish alliances, as it was these that she seemed to be targeting with this comment.
Montana House Speaker Wants To Repeal Medical Marijuana Law

Montana’s new Speaker of the House, Republican Mike Milburn, wants to repeal the state’s medical marijuana law. Milburn, who claimed the law is allowing cannabis to become too available, is sponsoring a bill what would repeal it, despite the fact that an overwhelming 62 percent of Montanans voted for the law in 2004.
Daley: A Wall Street Insider To Run The White House

President Obama has chosen William Daley to succeed Rahm Emanuel as the White House Chief of Staff. This appointment will please the business community but antagonize the left of the Democratic party. William Daley is the youngest son of late Chicago Major Richard J. Daley. The Daley family has run Chicago like a personal fief […]
Michelle Bachmann Named to Intelligence Committee… Seriously, Stop Laughing
I can’t help but want to thank John Boehner for this gift. To be able to look forward to Fox News anchors and pundits introducing Michelle Bachmann as an intelligence expert is just too good to be true.