Foreclosures: The Scam Continues

For millions of Americans, owning a home is the grandest symbol of accomplishment into the illusion of the “American Dream”. In the United states, we have been indoctrinated to believe being a homeowner signifies success, financial stability and responsibility. My former husband and I had been renters a few years before the thought ever crossed […]
Isaac, Gener and Katrina: Climate Change in Action

Like a hulking giant, Isaac has stomped across the Caribbean at practically human speed, for days. Ten miles per hour, 14 mph, and Isaac continues its march northwest and west-northwest, for nearly one week, as if for a rendez-vous. With whom? Haiti could not have been tapped more gently, although at least 24 people have […]
Death Penalty:Texas Goes “Rogue” and Kills an Intellectually Disabled Man

Today is another sad day for justice in Texas. Texas’ justice system has once again blood on its hands. On Tuesday August 17, the State of Texas has killed again. This time it is Marvin Wilson, a 54-year-old man. Wilson had an I.Q of 61 which made him intellectually disabled. The State of Texas recognized […]