Occupy Wall Street Photojournal: Come to Manhattan!
by Kenneth Lipp A cross-section of America has gathered in New York City to demand an end to the deference given to corporations and greed over people and needs. “We are here to kill war.” Bukowsi Photographs from the first 5 days of Occupy Wall Street. Photos by Joanne Stocker I watched a young man […]
Katrina’s Anniversary: A Photographic Tribute To The Victims

Words can be powerless. They couldn’t describe the destruction, the mad power of the storm. Words were also barely adequate to portray the suffering, despair and misery imposed on the people of New-Orleans. Knowing that 1,600 people were killed during and in the aftermath of Katrina, and that 500,000 residents of the Crescent City were […]
Your Right To The Truth Is Not Official

By Kenneth Lipp A massive, well-laundered surveillance presence has become the growing norm in western society. The decade since 9/11 has been punctuated by a conflict between concurrently intensifying demands. The world seems to be seizing with agitation, and the insulation provided US citizens is beginning to decompose. We see homes lost and jobs disappear, […]
We End Up Together

By Kenneth Lipp Hello, gentle citizens. I’m returning from a long hiatus from News Junkie Post contribution — for which I am remiss — and intend to deliver an unpopular parcel: a reality check. Before I ask you to sign for your delivery, just so we’re clear: when I say “they” or “them,” the ubiquitous […]
Washington DC: America’s Evil EX
It seems like an old, all too familiar, story. You begin a new relationship. You have goals that you share, and a whole life ahead of you to pursue and perfect them. You forge a path together. You provide support through the process of gaining an education and establishing some financial security. Then, just when […]