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Michael Moore and Principles Over Patriotism

The American President, Barack Obama, has announced that anyone who has any questions about his decisions, and prescribed actions in Pakistan, and the execution of Osama Bin Laden, “needs to have their head examined.” While a generous interpretation of this statement might consider this a reflection of the man’s confidence in the correctness of his […]


The Fight of America’s Working Class: Your Great-Grandparents Would Be Ashamed

The plight of the middle class, the working class, the laborers and workers of the world, has seldom improved – and even then in incremental steps only – and often only to be briefly enjoyed, lost, and fought for again another day. Documents from the American labor movement, over a hundred years ago, prove that […]


Tax Day: A Third Of Your Tax Money Is Spent On Wars And Security

Tax Day: A Third Of Your Tax Money Is Spent On Wars And Security

If you are a US citizens ,or a resident with income in the United States, today is the IRS deadline to file your tax return unless you have  filed for  an extension. In Washington, the “talk of the town” is the ballooning budget deficit and finding ways to cut it. However, because 99 percent of […]


Obama’s Budget Plan: A “Kinder, Gentler” Corporatocracy

American society seems to have degenerated to the point that it resembles a massive factory floor, or plantation, rather than a sovereign country of free individuals. The extent of democracy is now limited to choosing who gets to be the foreman. The real bosses are far beyond the reach of, and accountability to, the American […]


Government Shutdown: The Washington Circus Pissing Contest

Government Shutdown: The Washington Circus Pissing Contest

The big Washington DC psychodrama unfolding is a likely partial shutdown of the federal government on Friday. The quality of the “debate” is in the mold of America’s favorite reality shows. A comparison could  be made between the government shutdown chicken-game played by the political class and  the scripted  reality of  any  “Real Housewives”  shows. […]
