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Immigration Hysteria Gone Crazy: Deporting A Resident of 50 Years

Mike Burrows came to America when he was two years old, and has lived here for 50 years. Due to a technicality in harsh anti-immigration laws, he will likely be deported to his birthplace of Canada within weeks, a country that he has no current connection to and no memory of.


WikiLeaks: Assange Delivers On Obama’s Promise Of Transparency

WikiLeaks: Assange Delivers On Obama’s Promise Of Transparency

A bit more than two years ago, America and most of the world were infatuated by the new President-elect. Barack Obama was promising “integrity, transparency and accountability in government, politics and the law”. Pointing out that the Bush administration had been “one of the most secretive in US history”, President-elect Obama vowed to drastically increase […]


Banksters: Wall Street Executives Are Still Getting Outrageous Pay

Banksters: Wall Street Executives Are Still Getting Outrageous Pay

Despite the recession and the massive taxpayer funded TARP bailout, bank executives are still getting record compensations. The popular discontent with Wall Street during the financial crisis over how much money bankers were paying themselves has somehow faded, as if, once again general apathy replaced public rage. Wall Street’s culture of greed is back stronger […]


The Top Tax Rate is 27% Below US Historical Average

The average top tax rate in the United States since 1917 is 61.4%. Currently the highest rate of income tax the rich have to pay is 34.5%, which is 26.9% below the average.


A Kinder, Gentler Form of Ethnic Cleansing

100,000 Latinos have fled Arizona in the 3 months since the passage of SB1070. This represents a huge demographic shift in the state, and the reasons behind it could be explained as a kinder, gentler form of ethnic cleansing.
