Let’s Teach WalMart A Lesson About Medical Marijuana
How do you teach a big, dumb corporate beast? You hurt it in the only way it understands. It’s time to teach WalMart that mistreating medical marijuana patients is very, very bad for business.
Christianity Crucifying the Constitution
The Catholic League, as well as In God We Trust, have made their contempt for the American Constitution, and specifically the First Amendment, abundantly clear. Their demand for continued supremacy and political power, coupled with their intolerance of views or beliefs opposing or divergent to their own, has fueled a debate about their continued preferential status and treatment.
Homeless: The Invisible People Among Us

Mark Horvath is on a personal mission: To give a voice and a face and tell the story of homeless people across America one at a time. Horvath is a documentary filmmaker, but has also experienced first hand the harshness of life on the streets when he hit rock bottom due to a drug addiction […]
Grassroots Action: Coffee Party Versus Tea Party

A new movement is “going viral” on Facebook, it is called Coffee Party USA, and its goal is to wake up the left like a strong cup of Java should. In about a month the movement has gathered more than 60,000 members on its Facebook page. The start up is not only getting fast traction […]
Romney’s “No Apology: The Case For American Greatness” – Really?

Mitt Romney is throwing his well financed proverbial “hat” in the 2012 Presidential campaign by the publication today of his new book. Romney’s new book title is of course ” No Apology: The Case For American Greatness”, and it is an attack piece on President Obama’s policies more than a blue print for what will […]