Romney’s “No Apology: The Case For American Greatness” – Really?

Mitt Romney is throwing his well financed proverbial “hat” in the 2012 Presidential campaign by the publication today of his new book. Romney’s new book title is of course ” No Apology: The Case For American Greatness”, and it is an attack piece on President Obama’s policies more than a blue print for what will be the former Governor’s campaign in 2012.

It is also giving away what will be one of the key premise, or at least some talking points, of the GOP’s message in 2010. Romney will use it to assert a leadership in the Republican party and as a spring board for his inevitable run in 2012.

The book title is already by itself a common Republican talking point which echoes well across the GOP’s core electorate despite its fundamental dishonesty. The premise is simple and because of it could be effective: “President Obama has been too willing to apologize around the world for America’s actions”.

Romney starts a book tour today and he is likely to hammer the same points over and over again while promoting his book. But let’s hear what author Mitt Romney had to say in his “review” of his own book:

“This is not a policy book that explores issues in greater depth than do scholars and think-tanks. I treat topics in a single chapter that others have made the subject of entire volumes. Nor is this an attack piece on all the policies of the Obama administration. Although criticism is unavoidable with policies that I believe are the most harmful to the future generations of America.

This is a book about what I believe should be our primary national objective to keep America strong and to preserve its place as the world’s leading nation. And it describes the course I believe we must take to strengthen the nation in order to remain prosperous, secure and free. I make no apology for my conviction that America’s economic and military leadership is not only good for America but also critical for freedom and peace across the world,” said Romney in an interview to present his new book .

Romney not only doesn’t want to apologize for America’s unilateralism, “my way or the high way” principle, which is a political reminiscence from the Bush-era, but he takes it a step further by making an unapologetic eulogy of the “virtues” of the American empire. The argument against the so called multilateralism of the Obama administration is obviously not reality based, considering that despite its rhetoric the Obama administration has kept fully intact the logic of the empire. None less a lot of Americans will be receptive to Mitt Romney’s discourse about “America’s greatness”, and they are the very same ones chanting  the familiar line: “America number one”, at sporting events.

Editor’s Note: Please follow The News Junkie Post on Twitter.


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