Is Los Angeles The Worst Managed City In America?

The Budget Crisis California has been dealing with a ballooning budget crisis for the past 8 months, but the latest flash point of major financial crisis is now hovering over the City of Angels. The city faces a budget deficit close to 1 billion, and could be effectively bankrupt by the summer. How is it […]
Four Things Not To Say To A Medical Marijuana Patient
If you happen to be a medical marijuana patient like me, you’re well aware that there are lots of folks who still harbor some enormous moral judgments about cannabis and those who use it medically — even in the states where it is legal. In the interest of furthering potiquette and harmonious interaction, here are four things that you might not want to say to medical marijuana patients.
Afghanistan’s “Freedom Fighters” Best American Friend Is Dead

Charlie Wilson died today at the age of 76. The Texas Congressman was known in Washington as “good time Charlie” for his appreciation, some time excessive, of beautiful women, booze, cocaine and hot tub. But again who can blame him, this was the “swinging 70’s”. However, Congressman Wilson had a deadly serious side to him, […]
New-Orleans & Port-au-Prince: Two Tales Of Government Failures

Today, after the Super Bowl win by the Saints is a day of celebration in New-Orleans. Four and half years after Katrina ran amok on the Crescent City in 2005, New-Orleans is still very much in need not only of a moral boost but also of an economic one. When the Saints play in New-Orleans, […]
The Business Of Proselytizing
The right wing conservative Christian organization, Focus on the Family, is paying an estimated $2.5 million for an ad on CBS to use Tim Tebow’s noteriety as part of their ongoing anti-choice, anti-gay agenda.