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Turning The Page On The Worst Decade In 50 Years

According to a recent survey from the Pew Research Center, Americans view the decade that is about to end today as “The worst decade in 50 years”. 50 percent of Americans have a negative impression of the past 10 years as opposed to a mere 27 percent which view the same time frame positively. This […]


US Congress Approves Record $636 Billion In War Spending

US Congress Approves Record $636 Billion In War Spending

While it took a lot of arm twisting, and almost a year, to get the health care bill passed late last night in the Senate, the massive biggest ever military spending bill was approved very easily on Saturday while very few people were paying attention. It seems that the US Congress, in both the House […]


United States: The World’s Leading Jailer

United States: The World’s Leading Jailer

The United States has a longstanding policy of mass incarceration. Recent statistics from the Bureau of Justice Statistic (BJS), a branch of the US Department of Justice, showed that the US has more than 2.4 million people behind bars on any given day, and an incarceration rate of 754 per 100,000 residents. This is the […]


US House Passes Historic Wall St. Reform Act

The US House of Representatives voted today to pass H.R. 4173, the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009. Sponsored by Barney Frank (D-MA), this bill would protect consumers and investors, provide for financial regulatory reform, and regulate the over-the-counter derivatives markets. No Republicans voted for the bill.


LGBT Bigotry Through Academic Intolerance

This is the story of Dan DeLong, an honors English teacher in Piasa, Illinois. Last month, Mr. DeLong gave his students an assignment that asked them to read a paper on homosexuality in the animal kingdom. His quick suspension brought the issues of LGBT bigotry and academic freedom to the forefront.
