Seven Killed During Protest, Iran’s Leadership Agree to ‘Limited Recount’

Iran Riots
Latest update ( 6/16/2009 @ 8:00 AM -PST): AP reports that Iran’s Islamic leadership is prepared to do a “limited recount” of the contested presidential elections.
An Iranian state radio station reports that seven people died during the protest against Ahmadinejad’s election.
The radio station said the attack occurred at the end of the “illegal rally as people were heading home peacefully.”
According to the AFP, an Iranian TV station confirms the report of seven people killed.
Al Jazzera confirms the report.
More violent clashes can be expected in Tehran on Tuesday, as two rival Iranian rallies are planned on the same public square.
Meanwhile, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has arrived in Russia. Judging from the headliner of The Pravda, today (Political situation in Iran ready to explode) he could find Russian support in short supply.
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