Is A New World Order By The People And For The People Possible?

The global community has reached a development impasse. The cut throat management philosophy of global capitalism is not only failing, but collapsing at a noticeable speed-as long as some attention is being paid at what is really going on. Ever since the wind of the Arab Spring, from the Jasmine revolution in Tunisia, blew a large hole into all the  geopolitical assumptions concerning the Middle-East, many countries have followed into the footsteps of Tunisia. It is of course, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya and Syria. In this domino effect of the Arab revolution, autocratic countries such as Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Iran could be the next  pieces to fall.

After The Arab Spring, Will We Have Europe Summer of Revolt and America’s Fall Of Protests?

But the popular movement that is the Arab spring has no regional boundaries, and now activists in Europe and in the United States are working respectively on a European summer of protests and a fall of demonstrations in the United States kicking off by a big protest event in Washington DC starting October 6, 2011. In Europe, the protests are linked to the financial crisis gripping such countries as Greece, Spain, Ireland and Portugal. In the UK, a growing number of people view the austerity measures as a disaster in the making. Even so these movements have a national specificity, they do have a lot in common in their deep aspirations: all of them are about social justice, anti-imperialism,  promoting peace, and freedom from the shackles of political and gender oppressions. The movements are also putting in question the validity of the political system which we currently call Democracy. But in reality for most countries, the political process is locked under the tight control of a very small group of key players.

The World Order Of Corporate Imperialism

It is the current one, and it is a version of capitalism as an extreme sport. It has no national boundaries, and can operate predatory practices worldwide with no legal consequences. Some mega-corporate entities operate like a mini-state hiring their own private armies. Oil companies do it in Nigeria, an US fruit giant Dole does it in Central America where they hire ex-right wing militia to threaten or kill union organizers. In this world order, the US industrial-military complex provide the tech and the muscle to control key resources while corporations wait impatiently for a share of the spoil of wars. Corporations and the politicians in bed with them could care less about real problems such as climate change, food shortage, inequality and overpopulation. Instead, what the entire system is rigged for is maximum profit at the top of the food chain. It is a vicious circle where politicians have to be  at the mercy of corporate interests in order to get elected, and once elected they will have to pay back the favor by protecting the interest of  a generous corporation. In all these sordid backroom deals, what is forgotten is the interest of the people which politicians are elected to fight for.

The World Order Of Liberty, Equality and Brotherhood

Spatially, our mode of development is vertical. The levers of power are concentrated at a rarefied top where outsiders are not welcomed. Some are under the illusion that people’s votes elect politicians, but in reality money elects politicians, and banks or corporations providing the funds become their masters once elected. Some people may think, that the global elite controlling the corporate empire has some sort of grandiose “master plan”, but in fact the only plan is profit, and not even long term for the matter.

In all the movements percolating worldwide there are well defined themes which need to be incorporated into global political platforms. One of them is to question the very essence or even need of governments has we have them today. Is it necessary to have this sort of king substitutes in the person of a President or a Prime Minister? Shouldn’t people be looking into horizontal social configurations, where power and money doesn’t get more and more concentrated into very few hands? Can the people take advantage of the likely collapse of global capitalism and re-think the basic principles of a just, global, and  sustainable governance?



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