Majora Carter:An Eco-Warrior Fighting For Greener Urban Areas


Environment activist, Majora Carter, started her grassroots activities in the 1990’s.

Her first accomplishment was to fight a plan, put together by then New-York’s Major Rudy Giuliani, to put an additional waste in the South Bronx.

In the case of this project, Carter managed to obtain a $1.25 million Federal grant to create an 11 Miles network of bike and pedestrian pathways connecting the Bronx neighborhoods to the river front.

Carter was also one of the driving force behind the creation of a waterfront park in the South Bronx, the first one in 60 years.

Carter’s wider goal is to define larger strategies to help depressed urban communities with an accent on green development. This is how Majora Carter introduces her company, the Majora Carter Group, LLC.

The group helps clients connect the value of government, business, industry and community. We want to use our integrity and abilities to bring disparate parties together and help break the impasse between sustainability goals & entrenched inter-stakeholders distrust. We create an environment where all dreams can thrive. Energy consumption, public health, storm-water management, prison recidivism, school performance, social services, stagnant property values, climate change adaptation, and income & health disparities can all be tied to environmental remediation on a municipal or regional scale. The community of interests that make up a village, a city, a region, are all connected by the people and dollars circulating through them.

To find out more about Majora Carter’s work click here.


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