Michael Moore For President 2012

By Gilbert Mercier NEWS JUNKIE POST
Oct 1, 2009 at 7:52 pmTonight, Michael Moore is doing free screening of his new film “Capitalism:A Love Story”, for the jobless and homeless in America’s hardest hit cities. Ever since “Roger & Me”, Michael Moore has worked tirelessly to take on the system. But with his new film he has pushed the envelop like never before to denounce the greed and failure of America’s capitalism.
The film will open wide, all across America on Friday on over 1,000 screens. Michael Moore hope that the film will make people angry enough so they rally behind his very convincing assumptions.
Michael Moore was, just like many progressives, an ardent Obama supporter during the campaign last year. However, the filmmaker doesn’t think anything will change for the jobless, the homeless and the disappearing middle-class until the elites, either political or financial, stop running the show for their own benefit.
“The party that controls both the Congress and the White House needs to wake up and realizes the American people put them in charge to fix the mess created by the previous administration. For that to happen requires the active involvement of each of us. And, as I show in this movie, it is going to also require us to challenge some fundamental assumptions about an economic system that currently allows the wealthiest ONE PERCENT in this country to have more financial wealth than the bottom 95 percent combined. That concentration of money and power in the hands of so few people is, I believe, at the core of so many of our problems,” writes Michael Moore in what is probably the best summary of “Capitalism:A Love Story”.
This type of discourse even shocked Bill Maher last Friday. Maher asked Michael Moore if he was recommending socialism. No said Moore, adding that the opposite of America’s brand of hyper-capitalism is democracy not socialism.
A lot of people agree with Michael Moore’s assumptions that the system need to be drastically changed, but can he give a much needed boost to the anemic progressive and anti-capitalist movement? Michael Moore has a lot of work to do to get people out of their apathy. For example, at the last G 20 summit in Pittsburgh the anti-capitalist demonstrators were only about 4,000 compared to the 40,000 strong at a G20 summit in Seattle in 1999.
For now, Michael Moore and most progressives are focusing their legitimate frustration and anger over the lack of real change on Democrats in Congress, and not attacking President Obama directly. On Tuesday, Michael Moore issued a warning to Democrats in Congress concerning the health care reform bill.
“To the Democrats in Congress who don’t quite get it: I want to offer a personal pledge. I-and a lot of other people- have every intention of removing you from Congress in the next election if you stand in the way of health care legislation that the people want,” said Moore at a press conference.
I think the warning of Michael Moore should be extended to President Obama. It is time for Michael Moore and the progressive movement at large to realize that the candidate for change has become the president of more of the same.
Let stop kidding ourselves, Barack Obama is a corporate Democrat just like Bill Clinton was. He serves the interests of the 1 percent Michael Moore is talking about, he is on the side of Wall Street not main street. Obama is, de facto, maintaining the Bush status quo across board; from keeping Bernanke at the Feds, Gates at the Pentagon and pursuing the same war mongering policies.
I certainly hope Michael Moore has a political future, he would be the right person to bring a much needed change in an utterly broken system.
To find about what Michael Moore is up to click here.
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