Haiti’s Gold Rush: An Ecological Crime in the Making

Show me a corporate boss who calls Haiti the “poorest country in the western hemisphere,” and I’ll show you a con artist preparing to fleece Haiti. Likewise, show me a western technocrat who bemoans Haiti’s “dramatic deforestation due to charcoal production” and I’ll show a bio-pirate or vandal preparing to wreck the country’s remaining cloud-forest […]
USAID: The Soft Arm of Imperialism

Foreign aid is the opium of modern times No one pushes foreign aid better than USAID (the United States Agency for International Development). The agency operates in over 100 countries. New takers arrive all the time, the most recent one being Burma, which returned for a fix after a 24-year hiatus. Unlike the current celebrations […]
G. Mercier on RT: Israel Attack on Gaza Is Worse Than a Crime, It’s a Blunder

Russia Today Interview of Gilbert Mercier, Editor in Chief of News Junkie Post On Friday, November 16, Gilbert Mercier, who has written the best analyses of the geopolitical situation unfolding in the Middle East, was called on to share his thoughts with RT International. Mercier has written a series of articles warning that the situation […]
The Bee’s Vanishing Act

Honeybee populations have plummeted in recent years. Simultaneously, government and industry funds to study whether pesticides, mites, or viruses are the root cause of this problem have been granted to American and European researchers. These scientists call the disappearance of the bees “colony collapse disorder”, or CCD, though a more appropriate name would be CCC, […]
Occupy Sandy Should Not Act as an NGO to Replace Bad Governance

By Gilbert Mercier and Dady Chery Sandy and Katrina Expose the Third World Within the Empire The last natural disaster to have had a major impact on the United States was hurricane Katrina. The fiasco of dealing with Katrina’s aftermath was a big blow for the Bush administration. This exposed a broken social system where […]