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COVID-19: Diagnostics, Hydroxychloroquine, Plasma, Short and Long-Term Solutions

COVID-19: Diagnostics, Hydroxychloroquine, Plasma, Short and Long-Term Solutions

The first infection by the agent of COVID-19, variously called 2019-nCoV or SARS-CoV-2, probably happened around December 12, 2019, based on the interviews in late December with a group of new pneumonia patients in Wuhan, China. Most of the pneumonia cases turned out to be traceable, either directly or indirectly, to the city’s Huanan seafood […]


Toussaint L’Ouverture, the Genius Who Embodied the Enlightenment

Toussaint L’Ouverture, the Genius Who Embodied the Enlightenment

Enslavement by the Enlightened in Revolutionary Times In 1789, the year of the French Revolution, Saint Domingue, now Haiti, was the world’s richest colony. The source of this wealth was the exploitation of half a million black slaves who furnished the labor for the sugar, indigo, cotton, cocoa, coffee, and tobacco extracted from over 2,000 […]


Brazil’s Military Dictatorship: Bolsonaro’s Godfather Is Home from Haiti to Roost

Brazil’s Military Dictatorship: Bolsonaro’s Godfather Is Home from Haiti to Roost

It is bittersweet to be right about my prediction that the occupation of Haiti by Brazil would destroy its democracy. The real power behind the far-right congressman and former army captain, Jair Bolsonaro, who will take office on January 1, 2019 as Brazil’s president, is his mentor, the retired General Augusto Heleno Ribeiro Pereira. Mr. […]


Heritage Foundation in Shadow of Haiti’s PetroCaribe Protests?

Heritage Foundation in Shadow of Haiti’s PetroCaribe Protests?

The Heritage Foundation came forward on September 20, 2018 to set the rules for Haiti’s PetroCaribe investigation and protests.  Most Haitians are delighted about any audit of the corrupt government that was foisted on them by the fraudulent presidential and legislative 2015-2016 elections. So no one asks where a private United States conservative think tank got the authority to demand a probe into a bilateral deal between […]


Human Trafficking from Haiti to Chile

Human Trafficking from Haiti to Chile

In Chile, as in every other country that has historically embraced slavery, there are numerous racists. It is equally fair to say that, like all countries with a similar history, the fraction of those who are appalled by the persistence of slavery in their lifetimes well exceeds the proportion of racists. And when well-meaning people, […]
