Litvinenko Inquiry: Death of Justice in the United Kingdom

On January 21, 2015, Sir Robert Michael Owen, a High Court judge on the verge of retirement, in his inquiry into the death of Alexander Litvinenko made the following statement.[1] “I am sure that Mr Litvinenko did not ingest the polonium 210 either by accident or to commit suicide. I am sure, rather, that he […]
What the Left Should Learn about Ukraine

History of the Ukrainian civil war, February 2014 – February 2015 Prior to what became known as Euromaidan, there were several attempts by the West at regime change in Ukraine. These were known as color revolutions and put into power corrupt right-wing politicians like Yulia Tymoshenko, who was in prison prior to the takeover. Previously […]
Pawn vs King: Cameron’s Dangerous Chess Game Against Putin

David Cameron is a protégé of Margaret Thatcher. She personally groomed him to become Prime Minister. It will be remembered that when Thatcher’s popularity was on the wane, the Falklands War revivified a flagging Tory Party and gave her another term of office. When people like Cameron and Thatcher have tasted power, they are loath […]
Tony Blair: Shock and Awe, Hell and Damnation

“God damn you, Tony Blair, God damn you.” So says United Kingdom parliamentarian, George Galloway, who seems to have made a justified assessment of what constitutes a war criminal. Tony Blair brought “shock and awe” and “Hell and damnation” to so many, the legacy of which still goes on everyday for countless people. Unsurprisingly he […]
‘Yes’ to Scotland Independence and Britain’s Waning Imperialism

In 1707 a shaky union was set up that made Scotland a part of the United Kingdom. Scottish parliamentarians were bribed with vast sums of money and lucrative pension schemes to move their seats to Westminster, London. It was a sell out of the Scottish electorate that would later prompt its country’s best-loved poet, Robert […]