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Climate Of Hate: The Politics Of Climate Change Denial

As HateWatch notes, according to posters at the white supremicist site StormFront the “global warming scam” is a jewish plot . That’s right, it’s all part of the vast Zionist conspiracy. They even identify a number of prominent climate scientists and policy shapers as Jews (what more evidence do you need?). Small wonder then that […]


Climate Change Denial: The Smoking Gun

Is there a legal right to shout “hoax” on a burning planet? It is well documented that corporate interests fund a widespread campaign of lies and misinformation about climate change. Worse, they have been enjoying considerable success just as they did with tobacco. Is it their legal right to do so? And what can be done about it?


Earth Hour Ambivalence Or Not

None of us can do this alone, and we will always have a diversity of opinion about what is most necessary or possible at this moment. This diversity can exist in a harmony that strengthens the whole movement if that is what we want. Or we can use it as an opportunity to vent our personal doubts and disappointments. Whether symbolic actions are a distraction or an opportunity is not up to “them”, it’s up to you; that’s what empowerment is.


Orwell 2.0: Anti-Science Forces Using Tactics They Denounce

The climate change Deniers have pulled a rather clever feat by invoking Orwell in order to hoodwink the public in the very manner which they claim to be trying to expose. All in all it’s fairly impressive to be using the very technique you claim to be warning people against in order to con them.


Environmental Politics and The False Muddle

This “false middle” tactic only works when we allow ourselves to be manipulated. The Regressives wave their hands like a magician to distract us from what the issues and questions really are. Too often the call to ‘be reasonable’ is an invitation to abandon reason entirely and form an opinion based on ego.
