Qu’est donc la memoire?

Qu’est donc la mémoire Si ce n’est des couches de souvenirs innombrables Stratifications invisibles et furtives De l’empreinte magique du temps Souvenirs fragiles et éphémères Tels des chateaux de sable Sous l’assaut des vagues et du vent Qu’est donc la mémoire Si ce n’est l’impossibilité de trouver La paix dans l’oubli du silence Telle une […]
Magic Woman of Haiti’s Mountains

This is an excerpt from my upcoming book, Marabou of My Heart. Copyright © Dady Chery and News Junkie Post Press 2021. All rights reserved. It is impossible to know precisely why, one week before my mother left Haiti, she took me to Croix-des-Prés and left me with Sò Gras. If I had to describe […]
Imtiaz Akhtar Discusses His Book of Short Stories, ‘Kafka Sutra’

With this collection of short stories, Imtiaz Akhtar makes his bold debut. Kafka Sutra is the sort of book that as a teenager, I would have loved to sneak from my mother’s shelf, and that as a mother, I would secretly enjoy letting my daughter or son whisk away. A midget who can see the future, boys, […]
Fear of Women Without Guilt

We are in the midst of a transition. The old patriarchal world, which I call analog, is a world in which Newton mechanics have prevailed, through the invention of fire, and the first and second industrial revolutions. In this old world, nations were constructed within the framework of social orders that were subjugated by religions […]
Get Our Books and Support News Junkie Post

Stimulate the dinner-table discussions while you support us by buying News Junkie Post Press’ first two books, Dady Chery’s We Have Dared to Be Free, and Gilbert Mercier’s The Orwellian Empire, for your friends and family! At News Junkie Post, we had a great year. In addition to our books, released in July and November, […]