Fear of Women Without Guilt

We are in the midst of a transition. The old patriarchal world, which I call analog, is a world in which Newton mechanics have prevailed, through the invention of fire, and the first and second industrial revolutions. In this old world, nations were constructed within the framework of social orders that were subjugated by religions […]
Haiti Blasted Once Again: Earthquake, Famine, Pestilence and Greed

Six years after the earthquake, death and destruction freely roam through Haiti in the form of new epidemics on people and plants. Bill and Hillary Clinton, who ushered the country’s dismantlement through the introduction of subsidized Arkansas rice in the 1990s, an occupation by United Nations troops starting in 2004, and a state of emergency that […]
Get Our Books and Support News Junkie Post

Stimulate the dinner-table discussions while you support us by buying News Junkie Post Press’ first two books, Dady Chery’s We Have Dared to Be Free, and Gilbert Mercier’s The Orwellian Empire, for your friends and family! At News Junkie Post, we had a great year. In addition to our books, released in July and November, […]
Haiti’s Lead Export: Brazil’s New Slaves

It is a heritage of colonialism that its predatory economic systems outlast its victims’ independence declarations. And so today, paradoxically, slavery remains the top export of Haiti, the country that first broke its shackles. The sale of unskilled Haitian labor from sweatshops and sugarcane fields to traditional colonial powers is well documented. Less well known […]
Assault on Journalists: The Case of Haiti

According to the International News Safety Institute (INSI), over 100 journalists were killed in 2015, many of them by assassins. However shocking this number might be, it merely gives a glimpse into the savagery that has been unleashed against members of the press throughout the world. For one, journalists who work for small community radio […]